Labels:bulletin board | daily | jotter | poster | trade name OCR: Copyrights and Atlas acknow ledg ements of the Book Herodotus, 5 Herodotus on Oxford University From edited the The by Press Persian Histories! Walter Wars A Blanco Norton and Herodotus Critical Jennifer Histores Edition by Ancient P Attila Tolbert Company, Translation Company. Priscus: Roberts, Inc Inc, 1copyright Reprinted Fragment 8 translated 1992 by by The byW permission Robert Aqe W.Norton ofAttila Blanco W.W Norton W orld C.D University of Gordon Michigan Reproduced Press with 1960 permission from The The Druids Strabo. Reprinted by permission of publishers and the Loeb Classical Library from Strabo The Learning Company Geography Loeb Classi icalLibrary translated by HL Copvrights rements Univer sity Copyright